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3D Game Shaders For Beginners
Running The Demo
After you've built the example code, you can now run the executable or demo.
Here's how you run it on Linux or Mac.
Here's how you run it on Windows.
Demo Controls
The demo comes with both keyboard and mouse controls to move the camera around, toggle on and off the different effects, adjust the fog, and view the various different framebuffer textures.
You can rotate the scene around by holding down the Left Mouse button and dragging. Hold down the Right Mouse button and drag to move up, down, left, and/or right. To zoom in, roll the Mouse Wheel forward. To zoom out, roll the Mouse Wheel backward.
You can also change the focus point using the mouse. To change the focus point, click anywhere on the scene using the Middle Mouse button.
- w to rotate the scene down.
- a to rotate the scene clockwise.
- s to rotate the scene up.
- d to rotate the scene counterclockwise.
- z to zoom in to the scene.
- x to zoom out of the scene.
- ⬅ to move left.
- ➡ to move right.
- ⬆ to move up.
- ⬇ to move down.
- 1 to show midday.
- 2 to show midnight.
- Delete to toggle the sound.
- 3 to toggle fresnel.
- 4 to toggle rim lighting.
- 5 to toggle particles.
- 6 to toggle motion blur.
- 7 to toggle Kuwahara filtering.
- 8 to toggle cel shading.
- 9 to toggle lookup table processing.
- 0 to toggle between Phong and Blinn-Phong.
- y to toggle SSAO.
- u to toggle outlining.
- i to toggle bloom.
- o to toggle normal mapping.
- p to toggle fog.
- h to toggle depth of field.
- j to toggle posterization.
- k to toggle pixelization.
- l to toggle sharpen.
- n to toggle film grain.
- m to toggle screen space reflection.
- , to toggle screen space refraction.
- . to toggle flow mapping.
- / to toggle the sun animation.
- \ to toggle chromatic aberration.
- [ to decrease the fog near distance.
- Shift+[ to increase the fog near distance.
- ] to increase the fog far distance.
- Shift+] to decrease the fog far distance.
- Shift+- to decrease the amount of foam.
- - to increase the amount of foam.
- Shift+= to decrease the relative index of refraction.
- = to increase the relative index of refraction.
- Tab to move forward through the framebuffer textures.
- Shift+Tab to move backward through the framebuffer textures.
(C) 2019 David Lettier
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