A free and simple to use video player made with Haskell.

Near or Far

You can stream files directly from the web or load them right from your hard drive. To stream from the 'net, paste the URL right into the video location box. Videos can run but they can't hide from Movie Monad.

Near or Far

You can stream files directly from the web or load them right from your hard drive. To stream from the 'net, paste the URL right into the video location box. Videos can run but they can't hide from Movie Monad.

Power at Your Fingertips

Movie Monad comes with all the standard controls you've come to expect. You can play/pause, repeat, mute/lower/raise the volume, go full screen, seek, and change the window size. Everything you need to watch what you love with Movie Monad.

Power at Your Fingertips

Movie Monad comes with all the standard controls you've come to expect. You can play/pause, repeat, mute/lower/raise the volume, go full screen, seek, and change the window size. Everything you need to watch what you love with Movie Monad.

Play Fast and Loose

Is the lecture dragging on? Did the speaker talk too fast? No problem! Movie Monad gives you control over the playback speed. Options include slow, normal, and fast. Step on the gas or put on the brakes with Movie Monad.

Play Fast and Loose

Is the lecture dragging on? Did the speaker talk too fast? No problem! Movie Monad gives you control over the playback speed. Options include slow, normal, and fast. Step on the gas or put on the brakes with Movie Monad.

¿Qué? Was? ਕੀ?

Subtitles are no problem for Movie Monad. Don't need 'em? Turn 'em off. Have no idea what's being said? Turn 'em on and select your preferred language. Movie Monad aims to please.

¿Qué? Was? ਕੀ?

Subtitles are no problem for Movie Monad. Don't need 'em? Turn 'em off. Have no idea what's being said? Turn 'em on and select your preferred language. Movie Monad aims to please.

Grab Your Free Copy

Combining Haskell, GTK, and GStreamer, Movie Monad works across platforms. Linux, Mac, and most likely Windows can run Movie Monad. To grab your own copy, make your way to the installation instructions. If you run into trouble, don't hesitate to open an issue on the issues page.

Grab Your Free Copy

Combining Haskell, GTK, and GStreamer, Movie Monad works across platforms. Linux, Mac, and most likely Windows can run Movie Monad. To grab your own copy, make your way to the installation instructions. If you run into trouble, don't hesitate to open an issue on the issues page.

Copyright 2018 David Lettier