Data Mining Hacker News: Front vs Back |


After a post from this site made the front page of Hacker News (HN), a curious quirk was spotted. The first time the post was published on HN was at 2016-06-12 09:27:01.000Z. The second time the same post was published on HN was at 2016-06-15 02:03:36.000Z. Notice that they are only three days apart. The one published on the 12th received only one or two points by the 15th. The repost, published on the 15th, received over 170 points (within hours of being published) and maintained position one for awhile.

In some cases, a piece of content will be posted and then–minutes later–will be posted again where the almost immediate repost will make the front page and the earlier version will forever stay on the back page. In other cases, it can take years before a repost will finally grace the cover of Hacker News. Of course there are pieces of content that get reposted year after year with each repost doing equally well.

To illustrate, here is an example of a piece of content that was posted and then reposted nine times. The ninth time made the front page. The span of time was 122 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes, and 24 seconds.

ID          User           Score   Time          Title                                                           URL                                                                     Front Page Story Id
"11540337"  "dnetesn"      "2"     "1461225802"  "Why Physics Is Not a Discipline"                               ""  "12330360"
"11550152"  "dnetesn"      "2"     "1461341001"  "Why Physics Is Not a Discipline"                               ""  "12330360"
"11556082"  "dnetesn"      "2"     "1461427428"  "Why Physics Is Not a Discipline"                               ""  "12330360"
"11562342"  "celadevra_"   "2"     "1461552906"  "Why Physics Is Not a Discipline"                               ""  "12330360"
"11564691"  "feelthepain"  "3"     "1461597092"  "Why Physics Is Not a Discipline"                               ""  "12330360"
"11570675"  "dnetesn"      "1"     "1461666275"  "Why Physics Is Not a Discipline"                               ""  "12330360"
"11578913"  "dnetesn"      "1"     "1461749668"  "Why Physics Is Not a Discipline"                               ""  "12330360"
"11621763"  "dnetesn"      "1"     "1462291025"  "Why Physics Is Not a Discipline"                               ""  "12330360"
"11666213"  "dnetesn"      "1"     "1462877056"  "Why Physics Is Not a Discipline"                               ""  "12330360"
"12330360"  "dnetesn"      "22"    "1471776646"  "Physics is not just what happens in the Department of Physics" ""  "12330360"

The following is a look at Hacker News front page stories and their back page counterparts. We will look at how they differ as we search for any patterns that distinguish the two.



In order to collect the stories that at one time made the front page, story IDs, usernames, titles, scores, and post dates were indexed from the Hacker News front route. These IDs where then queried against the Hacker News item API where each returned item was stored in a SQLite database.

While there is an API endpoint for top stories, this is only for the top stories right now and is not an explicit confirmation of being on the front page. There is also a best stories API endpoint but it only gives the highest voted recent links. Thus the front route was used to ruled out any kind of ambiguity. Unfortunately, the HN items returned from the items endpoint do not indicate whether or not they made the front page.

To find the back candidates, Algolia search was queried using the front page story URLs.

Overall, 5,746 front candidates were collected along with 4,681 back candidates.


All of the front candidates collected were indexed from the HN front route and verified via the HN items API endpoint. The front candidates’ time stamps ranged from Mon, 27 Jun 2016 20:58:30 GMT to Sat, 03 Sep 2016 16:28:55 GMT. After having collected the back candidates, any front page story that did not retrieve any hits (besides itself) from Algolia was ignored during the analysis.

Hacker News Item

The front page stories collected from the front route did not have all of their information. One of the missing pieces of information was the exact date and time the story was posted. Each ID collected from the front route was queried against the HN items API endpoint. These HN items were saved in their own SQLite database table.

Algolia Hit

To find the back candidates corresponding to the front page stories, the Algolia API was used. For every front page story collected, its cleaned URL was used to search Algolia. The Algolia hits returned were stored in their own SQLite database table which had a foreign key column relating each row to a row in the HN items table. There was a many to one relationship between Algolia hits and HN items.


Most of the pre-processing centered around evaluating back and front candidates. To find content that was posted and then reposted one or more times, the URL was used. Each URL was broken up into five major parts. Country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) were collapsed to a single top-level domain (TLD).

The following procedure was carried out when comparing a back candidate’s URL to its front candidate’s URL:

The following demonstrates some of the cases that were seen:   vs
    ^                              ^   vs
    ^                   ^          ^                    ^^^^^^^^^^^  vs
    ^                    ^         ^                    ^^^^^^^^^^^     vs
    ^   ^^^^                       ^   ^       vs
                ^^^^^                           ^^^

Every potential URL match was reviewed for correctness along with the potential mismatches.

Front and Back Criteria

The following criteria was used to confirm an Algolia hit (back candidate) as a back:

This criteria was necessary to pull out all examples of some piece of content being posted and then reposted until it finally reached the front page.

Back -> Back   -> Back   -> ... => Front
Post -> Repost -> Repost -> ... => Repost
<---------------- Time ----------------->

The three or less points was a criteria as four was the minimum number of points observed for front candidates that had related back candidates.

Fronts were defined as having a matching ID in the backs’ collection of foreign key front page story IDs. Note that no two front page stories, HN items, or Algolia hits had the same ID. Within each database table, all row primary key IDs were unique.


Analysis of HN content typically only focuses on what made the front page and when. Rarely do you see an analysis of what did not make the front page. Given the exact same piece of content (news, blog post, software project, etc.), why does an early submission never reach the front page while a later resubmission does? By comparing pieces of content that were posted and then reposted, with only one repost making the front page, we can search for discernible patterns alluding to what makes a piece of content a front page HN story.

The analysis consisted of comparing 425 fronts against 570 corresponding backs. Facets looked at were day of the week, time of day, title word usage, title sentiment, vectorized title projections, and users.

To ease the analysis, all of the fronts and their backs were indexed into Elasticsearch. Fronts were indexed as parent documents with their related backs being indexed as child documents.

Date and Time

One possibility of a why a front succeeded versus its backs may be due to the day of the week and/or the time of the day it was reposted. Does knowing when a story was reposted tell you something about it either reaching the front page or staying on the back page? Is date and time independent from front vs back?

Note that all time stamps were converted to EDT from GMT.

Day of the Week

Using Elasticsearch to aggregate by day of the week, we analyze the relative frequency of fronts versus backs.

Day of the Week

Day of the Week

You can see very little relative difference for Monday. The largest relative differences can be see on Saturday and Sunday–the weekend.

Day of the Week Difference

Day of the Week Difference

In this chart we explicitly visualize absolute value difference between the relative frequencies. There is a large difference on Tuesday with there being more relative backs than fronts. After Tuesday, the difference goes down the next day and slowly grows until Sunday. There were more backs observed on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Saturday and Sunday, however, has more fronts than backs observed.

Having two nominal categories–day of the week and page status–we can use the Chi-Square test of independence.

Assumptions of the Chi-Square test of independence are:

|       | Mon        | Tue        | Wed        | Thur       | Fri        | Sat        | Sun        | Totals |
| Back  | 85 (87.08) | 97 (78.48) | 99 (96.24) | 97 (88.79) | 95 (86.50) | 50 (67.03) | 47 (65.88) | 570    |
| Front | 67 (64.92) | 40 (58.52) | 69 (71.76) | 58 (66.21) | 56 (64.50) | 67 (49.97) | 68 (49.12) | 425    |
|       | 152        | 137        | 168        | 155        | 151        | 117        | 115        | 995    |

Expected values shown in parentheses.

       Null Hypothesis = H0 = Page Status (Front vs Back) and Day of the Week are independent
Alternative Hypothesis = H1 = Page Status (Front vs Back) and Day of the Week are dependent

P(Type I Error) = alpha = a = 0.05

Chi-Square statistic = 37.050859063487195
  Degrees of Freedom = 6
          Cramer's V = 0.19296902415909076

P(Chi-Square statistic >= observed | H0) = p-value < 0.0001

Reject H0.

Based on the p-value being less than the alpha value, the data supports the alternative hypothesis. However, based on the Cramer’s V, the strength of the association is weak.

Time of Day

Separating out the time of day from their time stamps, we visualize the relative frequencies of backs versus fronts.

Time of Day

Time of Day

Time of Day

Time of Day

Looking at the chart, 0600 and 1100 immediately stand out. However, are these observed differences just chance occurrences because of the sample we took?

|       | 0000       | 0100       | 0200       | 0300       | 0400       | 0500       | 0600       | 0700       | 0800       | 0900       | 1000       | 1100       | 1200       | 1300       | 1400       | 1500       | 1600       | 1700       | 1800       | 1900       | 2000       | 2100       | 2200       | 2300       | Totals |
| Back  | 16 (14.89) | 17 (15.47) | 18 (14.89) | 15 (14.89) | 21 (24.63) | 21 (22.91) | 15 (22.91) | 21 (22.91) | 20 (24.06) | 31 (32.08) | 41 (38.38) | 23 (32.65) | 31 (30.36) | 41 (36.66) | 33 (31.51) | 42 (42.39) | 33 (28.64) | 27 (23.49) | 15 (13.75) | 20 (20.62) | 17 (15.47) | 17 (14.89) | 21 (17.19) | 14 (14.32) | 570    |
| Front | 10 (11.11) | 10 (11.53) | 8 (11.11)  | 11 (11.11) | 22 (18.37) | 19 (17.09) | 25 (17.09) | 19 (17.09) | 22 (17.94) | 25 (23.92) | 26 (28.62) | 34 (24.35) | 22 (22.64) | 23 (27.34) | 22 (23.49) | 32 (31.61) | 17 (21.36) | 14 (17.51) | 9 (10.25)  | 16 (15.38) | 10 (11.53) | 9 (11.11)  | 9 (12.81)  | 11 (10.68) | 425    |
|       | 26         | 27         | 26         | 26         | 43         | 40         | 40         | 40         | 42         | 56         | 67         | 57         | 53         | 64         | 55         | 74         | 50         | 41         | 24         | 36         | 27         | 26         | 30         | 25         | 995    |

Expected values shown in parentheses.

       Null Hypothesis = H0 = Page Status (Front vs Back) and Time of Day are independent
Alternative Hypothesis = H1 = Page Status (Front vs Back) and Time of Day are dependent

P(Type I Error) = alpha = a = 0.05

Chi-Square statistic = 26.806877906649206
  Degrees of Freedom = 23
          Cramer's V = 0.1641389223670862

P(Chi-Square statistic >= observed | H0) = p-value < 0.2643

Fail to reject H0.

Because the p-value is greater than the alpha value, we fail to reject the null hypothesis that the two nominal categories are independent.


With the way in which HN is laid out, the title is all one has to go on while scanning stories on the new page. Is the title the defining factor between falling off the new page, never to be seen again, or making a giant splash on the front page?

Out of the 570 backs, 200 had the exact same title as their related front.

Word Usage

Using Elasticsearch’s inverted index and English analyzer, we can easily aggregate the title word usage frequencies for both fronts and backs.

Title Word Relative Frequency

Title Word Relative Frequency

Here is the top of the chart. The full version can be found here (1.3 MB).

PDF was the most frequent for backs and fronts with it usually being seen in the title as ... ... [pdf]. Looking over the rest of the chart, there is not any clear differences between fronts and backs. If you look at show and hn, a collocation, they are slightly more frequent for fronts.


It could be the case that the titles for backs have a different sentiment from the titles for fronts. To analyze the sentiment, sentimentAPI was used.

Using a LinearSVC classifier model, the sentimentAPI was trained on movie reviews and claims to be 88% accurate. For this analysis, a more appropriate model to use would have been one trained on human labeled data of article titles but no such data set was found.

Title Sentitment

Title Sentitment

Looking at the chart, the sentiment for both backs and fronts is nearly identical. Curiously, the sentiment is slightly negative for both but this could be entirely due to noise.

Using R, a t-test was run comparing the difference between the mean sentiment for backs and fronts.

        Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  data.fronts and data.backs

t = 0.71427, df = 882.12, p-value = 0.4752

alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0

95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.01694742  0.03634044

sample estimates:
  mean of x   mean of y
-0.08209647 -0.09179298

Vector Projection

Using the bag-of-words model, we vectorize the back and front titles into their own title by word matrices. Taking these two highly dimensional matrices (M HN submission titles by N words), we reduce their dimensionality in order to visualize them. The three dimensionality reduction methods used were Locally Linear Embedding (LLE), Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), and t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE).

Locally Linear Embedding

Locally Linear Embedding

Using LLE, we see a nice separation between backs (the blue circles) and fronts (the red pentagons). There is some overlap in the large grouping towards the center of the plot.

Here we see the dimensions reduced down to 3D.



In this projection, there is no separation between fronts and backs.



t-SNE is non-deterministic (hence the stochastic). Every run may produce slightly different plots. We can see some separation and overlap which makes sense given the 200 backs that had the same exact title as their front.


The users which made the submissions will be the last attribute we look at. Maybe some stories are favored over others merely because of who submitted it from the HN community?

User Relative Frequency

User Relative Frequency

Here is the top of the chart. The full version can be found here (521 KB).

Based on the sample taken, dnetesn ties with adamnemecek but dnetesn has had more backs than fronts. adamnemecek’s relative frequency of fronts surpasses that of their own relative frequency of backs.


Using Haskell, R, Python, SQLite, and Elasticsearch, we evaluated posted and reposted pieces of content where only one of the reposts made it to the front page of Hacker News. We looked at the day of the week, time of day, title, and the users which made the submissions. We found statistical significance regarding the dependence between page status and the day of the week. The attributes looked at turned up very little if any patterns distinguishing backs from their related fronts.


Below you will find some supplementary material.

Full Source Code

The source code is written in Haskell and embeds the R and Python scripts used. Beyond the languages and their libraries used, you will need SQLite and Elasticsearch to run the following source code.


resolver: lts-6.11
- '.'
extra-deps: []
flags: {}
extra-package-dbs: []


name:                hackerNewsFrontVsBack
synopsis:            Hacker News front page vs back page story analysis.
description:         .
license:             Apache
license-file:        LICENSE
author:              David Lettier
copyright:           2016 David Lettier
category:            Analysis
build-type:          Simple
cabal-version:       >=1.10

executable hackerNewsFrontVsBack
  hs-source-dirs:       src
  main-is:              Main.hs
  default-language:     Haskell2010
  other-modules:        DB
                      , AlgoliaHits
                      , HackerNewsItems
                      , FrontPageItems
                      , FrontsAndBacks
                      , Elasticsearch
                      , DateTimeUtil
                      , URIUtil
                      , TimeAnalysis
                      , TitleAnalysis
                      , UserAnalysis
                      , StopWords
                      , SentimentApi
                      , Common
  build-depends:        base >= 4.7 && < 5
                      , wreq
                      , aeson
                      , lens
                      , bytestring
                      , sqlite-simple
                      , network-uri
                      , text
                      , hxt
                      , HandsomeSoup
                      , time
                      , containers
                      , unordered-containers
                      , data-default-class
                      , colour
                      , Chart
                      , cairo
                      , Chart-diagrams
                      , Chart-cairo
                      , process
                      , edit-distance
                      , neat-interpolation
                      , MissingH


  David Lettier (C) 2016

module Main (main) where

import Control.Monad

import qualified FrontPageItems as FPI
import qualified HackerNewsItems as HNI
import qualified AlgoliaHits as AH

main :: IO ()
main = do
  FPI.getAllInDb >>= mapM_ (
      (return . FPI._id) >=> HNI.idIfNotInDb >=> HNI.getItemMaybe >=> HNI.insertOrReplaceMaybe
  HNI.getAllInDb >>= mapM_ (AH.getAlgoliaHits >=> mapM_ AH.insertOrReplace)


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}

module DB where

import GHC.Generics
import Data.Text as DT
import Database.SQLite.Simple
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromRow
import NeatInterpolation as NI

dbLocation :: String
dbLocation = "data/db/hackerNewsProject.db"

withConnection' :: (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a
withConnection' = withConnection dbLocation

openDb :: IO Connection
openDb = open dbLocation

createDbTableIfNotExists :: String -> String -> IO ()
createDbTableIfNotExists tableName attributes = withConnection' (run (sqlString tableName attributes))
    sqlString tableName attributes = [NI.text|
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${tableName'} (${attributes'});
        [tableName', attributes'] = DT.pack [tableName, attributes]
    run statement con = execute_ con (Query statement)


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Common where

import System.Process
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List as DL
import Data.Map as DM
import Data.Set as DS
import Data.Text as DT
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as DBL
import Data.Aeson
import NeatInterpolation as NI

runRFile :: String -> IO ()
runRFile rfile = void $ createProcess (proc "R" ["--quiet", "-f", rfile])

esAggBackFrontFieldResult :: (a -> [(String, Integer)]) -> IO [a] -> IO ([(String, Integer)], [(String, Integer)])
esAggBackFrontFieldResult f r = do
  r' <- r
  let backs  = f $ Prelude.head r'
  let fronts = f $ Prelude.last r'
  return (backs, fronts)

makeKeyMap :: Integer -> [(String, Integer)] -> Map String Double
makeKeyMap t l = DM.fromListWith (+) ( (\ (k, x) -> (k, fromInteger x / fromInteger t)) l)

makeAllKeyMap :: [String] -> DM.Map String Double -> DM.Map String Double
makeAllKeyMap keys m = Prelude.foldl (\ acc (k, v) -> DM.insertWith (+) k v acc) m [(k, 0.0) | k <- keys]

lookupKey :: String -> DM.Map String Double -> Double
lookupKey key m = fromMaybe 0.0 (DM.lookup key m)

secondSum :: Num b => [(a, b)] -> b
secondSum = Prelude.sum . snd

writeROrPyFile :: (Text -> Text -> Text) -> String -> String -> String -> IO ()
writeROrPyFile f a b rpyf = writeFile rpyf $ DT.unpack $ f (DT.pack a) (DT.pack b)

notNull :: [a] -> Bool
notNull = Prelude.not . Prelude.null

fst' :: (a, b, c, d) -> a
fst' (a, b, c, d) = a


  David Lettier (C) 2016

module DateTimeUtil where

import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.Format

edt :: TimeZone
edt = hoursToTimeZone (-4)

utcTime :: Integer -> UTCTime
utcTime = posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromIntegral

edtZonedTime :: Integer -> ZonedTime
edtZonedTime i = utcToZonedTime edt $ utcTime i

monthOfYearEdtZonedTime :: Integer -> Integer
monthOfYearEdtZonedTime i = read (fEdtZonedTime "%m" i) :: Integer

dayOfWeekEdtZonedTime :: Integer -> Integer
dayOfWeekEdtZonedTime i = read (fEdtZonedTime "%u" i) :: Integer

hourOfDayEdtZonedTime :: Integer -> Integer
hourOfDayEdtZonedTime i = read (fEdtZonedTime "%H" i) :: Integer

minOfHourEdtZonedTime :: Integer -> Integer
minOfHourEdtZonedTime i = read (fEdtZonedTime "%M" i) :: Integer

fEdtZonedTime :: String -> Integer -> String
fEdtZonedTime s i = formatTime defaultTimeLocale s $ edtZonedTime i


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module URIUtil where

import Control.Monad
import Network.URI hiding (query)
import Data.List as DL
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.Utils as DSU
import Data.Text as DT
import Data.ByteString.Lazy

import qualified Common as CO

uriNoQuery :: String -> String
uriNoQuery s = uriParsed
    s' = cleanUri s
    uri' = uri s'
    uriAuth' = uriAuth uri'
    isYoutube =  "youtube" `DL.isInfixOf` s'
    uriParsed = if isURI s' && not isYoutube then Prelude.concat [
          uriScheme uri'
        , "//"
        , uriRegName uriAuth'
        , uriPath uri'
      ] else s'

uri :: String -> URI
uri string = fromMaybe nullURI (parseURI $ DT.unpack $ DT.toLower $ DT.pack string)

uriAuth :: URI -> URIAuth
uriAuth uri = fromMaybe (URIAuth "" "" "") (uriAuthority uri)

uriHost :: URI -> String
uriHost = uriRegName . uriAuth

uriTLD :: URI -> String
uriTLD u = grabTLD chunks
    chunks = uriHostChunks u
    grabTLD :: [String] -> String
    grabTLD [] = ""
    grabTLD [a, b, "co", _] = "com"
    grabTLD [a, "co", _] = "com"
    grabTLD [t] = t
    grabTLD [d, t] = t
    grabTLD [s, d, t] = t
    grabTLD [ss, s, d, t] = t
    grabTLD (x:y) = Prelude.last (x:y)

uriDomain :: URI -> String
uriDomain u = grabDomain chunks
    chunks = uriHostChunks u
    grabDomain :: [String] -> String
    grabDomain [] = ""
    grabDomain [a, b, "co", _] = b
    grabDomain [a, "co", _] = a
    grabDomain [t] = ""
    grabDomain [d, t] = d
    grabDomain [s, d, t] = d
    grabDomain [ss, s, d, t] = d
    grabDomain (x:y) = Prelude.last $ Prelude.init (x:y)

uriSubdomain :: URI -> String
uriSubdomain u = grabSubdomain chunks
    chunks = uriHostChunks u
    grabSubdomain :: [String] -> String
    grabSubdomain [] = ""
    grabSubdomain ["www", a, "co", _] = ""
    grabSubdomain [a, b, "co", _] = a
    grabSubdomain [a, "co", _] = ""
    grabSubdomain ("www":_) = ""
    grabSubdomain [t] = ""
    grabSubdomain [d, t] = ""
    grabSubdomain [s, d, t] = s
    grabSubdomain [ss, s, d, t] = ss ++ "." ++ s
    grabSubdomain (x:y) = x

parseURIHost :: URI -> [String]
parseURIHost u = [uriSubdomain u, uriDomain u, uriTLD u]

uriHostChunks :: URI -> [String]
uriHostChunks = DT.unpack . DT.split (== '.') . DT.toLower . DT.pack . uriHost

cleanUri :: String -> String
cleanUri s = scheme ++ "//" ++ DL.intercalate "." (
      Prelude.filter CO.notNull [subdomain, domain, tld]
    ) ++ path ++ query
    uri' = (uri . DT.unpack . DT.toLower . DT.strip . DT.pack) s
    scheme = cleanUriScheme $ uriScheme uri'
    subdomain = uriSubdomain uri'
    domain = uriDomain uri'
    tld = uriTLD uri'
    path = cleanUriPath $ uriPath uri'
    query = cleanUriQuery $ uriQuery uri'

cleanUriScheme :: String -> String
cleanUriScheme "https:" = "https:"
cleanUriScheme "http:"  = "https:"
cleanUriScheme x        = x

cleanUriPath :: String -> String
cleanUriPath "" = ""
cleanUriPath x  = (removeLastIndexExt . removeLastSlash . removeDoubleSlash) x
    removeDoubleSlash :: String -> String
    removeDoubleSlash  = DSU.replace "//" "/"
    removeLastIndexExt :: String -> String
    removeLastIndexExt = recombine . parts
        parts :: String -> [String]
        parts          = DSU.split "/"
        lastPart :: [String] -> String
        lastPart []    = ""
        lastPart y     = Prelude.last y
        recombine []   = ""
        recombine z    = DL.intercalate "/" (if "index." `DL.isInfixOf` lastPart z then Prelude.init z else z)
    removeLastSlash :: String -> String
    removeLastSlash "" = ""
    removeLastSlash a  = if Prelude.last a == '/' then Prelude.init a else a

cleanUriQuery :: String -> String
cleanUriQuery ""  = ""
cleanUriQuery "?" = ""
cleanUriQuery "?=" = ""
cleanUriQuery "?=&" = ""
cleanUriQuery q = if DL.isInfixOf "?" q && DL.isInfixOf "=" q && Prelude.length q > 3 then q else ""


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module StopWords where

-- Taken from
stopWords :: [String]
stopWords = [
-- ...


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}

module FrontPageItems where

import GHC.Generics
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Network.URI hiding (query)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Text as DT
import Data.ByteString.Lazy
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Network.Wreq
import Database.SQLite.Simple
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromRow
import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import Text.HandsomeSoup
import NeatInterpolation as NI

import DB

data FrontPageItem = FrontPageItem {
    _id       :: Integer
  , user      :: String
  , points    :: Integer
  , url       :: String
  , title     :: String
  , timestamp :: Integer
} deriving (Show, Generic)

instance FromRow FrontPageItem where
  fromRow = FrontPageItem <$> field
                          <*> field
                          <*> field
                          <*> field
                          <*> field
                          <*> field

instance ToRow FrontPageItem where
  toRow (FrontPageItem _id user points title url timestamp) = toRow (
      , user
      , points
      , title
      , url
      , timestamp

dbTableName :: String
dbTableName = "frontPageItems"

startDay :: Day
startDay = fromGregorian 2016 09 05

-- 2016 06 24
daysBack :: [Integer]
daysBack = [0..73]

frontPageItemsApi :: String
frontPageItemsApi = ""

byteStringToString :: ByteString -> IO String
byteStringToString = return . Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.unpack

dayToInteger :: Day -> Integer
dayToInteger d = read (Prelude.init $ show $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds $ UTCTime d 0) :: Integer

getRawHtml :: Day -> Integer -> IO (Response ByteString)
getRawHtml day page = getWith opts frontPageItemsApi
    opts = defaults & param "day" .~ [(DT.pack . showGregorian) day] & param "p" .~ [DT.pack $ show page]

processResponse :: Response ByteString -> IO ByteString
processResponse rbs = return (rbs ^. responseBody)

getFrontPageDays :: IO ()
getFrontPageDays = mapM_ processDay daysBack
    processDay :: Integer -> IO ()
    processDay i = frontPageItems >>= mapM_ insertOrReplace
        day = addDays ((-1) * i) startDay
        frontPageItems :: IO [FrontPageItem]
        frontPageItems = foldM (\ acc page -> do
            Control.Monad.when (page > 1) $ threadDelay (30 * 1000000)
            print day
            result <- getFrontPageDay day page
            return (acc ++ result)
          ) [] [1..5]

getFrontPageDay :: Day -> Integer -> IO [FrontPageItem]
getFrontPageDay day page = getRawHtml day page >>= processResponse >>= byteStringToString >>= processHtml
    processHtml :: String -> IO [FrontPageItem]
    processHtml htmlString = makeFrontPageItems
        doc :: IOStateArrow s b XmlTree
        doc = readString [withParseHTML yes, withWarnings yes] htmlString
        tr = doc >>> css "tr"
        idUrlTitle = hasAttrValue "class" (== "athing") >>> hasAttr "id" >>> (
          getAttrValue "id" &&& (
            css "a" >>> hasAttrValue "class" (== "storylink") >>> (
                getAttrValue "href" &&& (getChildren >>> getText)
        userPoints = css "td" >>> hasAttrValue "class" (== "subtext") >>> multi ((
            css "a" >>> hasAttrValue "class" (== "hnuser") >>> getChildren >>> getText
          ) &&& (
            css "span" >>> hasAttrValue "class" (== "score") >>> getChildren >>> getText
        idUrlTitleParsed = runX $ tr >>> idUrlTitle
        userPointsParsed = runX $ tr >>> userPoints
        mergedParsed = do
          x <- idUrlTitleParsed
          y <- userPointsParsed
          return ( x y)
        makeFrontPageItem :: ((String, (String, String)), (String, String)) -> FrontPageItem
        makeFrontPageItem ((i, (ur, t)), (u, p)) = FrontPageItem {
              _id = read i :: Integer
            , user = u
            , points = read (Prelude.head $ Prelude.words p) :: Integer
            , url = ur
            , title = t
            , timestamp = dayToInteger day
        makeFrontPageItems = fmap ( makeFrontPageItem) mergedParsed

createDbTableIfNotExists :: IO ()
createDbTableIfNotExists = DB.createDbTableIfNotExists dbTableName attributes
    attributes = DT.unpack [NI.text|
        , user TEXT
        , points INTEGER
        , url INTEGER
        , title TEXT
        , timestamp INTEGER

insertOrReplace :: FrontPageItem -> IO ()
insertOrReplace FrontPageItem {
      _id = i
    , user = u
    , points = p
    , title = t
    , url = url'
    , timestamp = ts
  } = void insertOrReplaceTryResult
    tryInsertOrReplace = try (withConnection' insertOrReplace) :: IO (Either SomeException ())
    insertOrReplaceTryResult = tryInsertOrReplace >>= either (void . print) return
    insertOrReplace :: Connection -> IO ()
    insertOrReplace con = execute con "REPLACE INTO ? (\
                                        \ _id \
                                      \ , user \
                                      \ , points \
                                      \ , url \
                                      \ , title \
                                      \ , timestamp \
                                      \ ) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);" (
                                          , i
                                          , u
                                          , p
                                          , t
                                          , url'
                                          , ts

getAllInDb :: IO [FrontPageItem]
getAllInDb = withConnection' queryForItems
    queryForItems :: Connection -> IO [FrontPageItem]
    queryForItems con = query con "SELECT * FROM ?;" (Only dbTableName)


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}

module HackerNewsItems where

import GHC.Generics
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Control.Applicative
import Network.URI hiding (query)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Text as DT
import Data.ByteString.Lazy
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Network.Wreq
import Database.SQLite.Simple
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromRow
import NeatInterpolation as NI

import DB
import qualified FrontPageItems as FPI

data HackerNewsItem = HackerNewsItem {
    _id   :: Integer
  , by    :: String
  , score :: Integer
  , time  :: Integer
  , title :: String
  , typee :: String
  , url   :: String
} deriving (Show, Generic)

instance FromJSON HackerNewsItem where
  parseJSON (Object v) =
    HackerNewsItem <$> v .: "id"
                   <*> v .: "by"
                   <*> v .: "score"
                   <*> v .: "time"
                   <*> v .: "title"
                   <*> v .: "type"
                   <*> v .: "url"

instance FromRow HackerNewsItem where
  fromRow = HackerNewsItem <$> field
                           <*> field
                           <*> field
                           <*> field
                           <*> field
                           <*> field
                           <*> field

instance ToRow HackerNewsItem where
  toRow (HackerNewsItem _id by score time title typee url) = toRow (
      , by
      , score
      , time
      , title
      , typee
      , url

dbTableName :: String
dbTableName = "hackerNewsItems"

topStoriesApi :: String
topStoriesApi = ""

itemsApi :: Integer -> String
itemsApi itemId = Prelude.concat ["", show itemId, ".json"]

getTopStoryItemIds :: IO (Maybe [Integer])
getTopStoryItemIds = do
  r <- get topStoriesApi
  return (decode (r ^. responseBody) :: Maybe [Integer])

getItems :: Maybe [Integer] -> IO [Maybe HackerNewsItem]
getItems = maybe (return []) (mapM getItem)

getItem :: Integer -> IO (Maybe HackerNewsItem)
getItem itemId = do
  print itemId
  r <- try(get $ itemsApi itemId) :: IO (Either SomeException (Response ByteString))
  case r of
    Left e -> print e >> return Nothing
    Right bs -> return (decode (bs ^. responseBody) :: Maybe HackerNewsItem)

getItemMaybe :: Maybe Integer -> IO (Maybe HackerNewsItem)
getItemMaybe = maybe (return Nothing) getItem

createDbTableIfNotExists :: IO ()
createDbTableIfNotExists = DB.createDbTableIfNotExists dbTableName attributes
    attributes = DT.unpack [NI.text|
          _id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY\
        , by TEXT
        , score INTEGER
        , time INTEGER
        , title TEXT
        , typee TEXT
        , url TEXT

getItemInDb :: Integer -> IO (Maybe HackerNewsItem)
getItemInDb itemId = withConnection' queryForItem >>= firstItem
    queryForItem :: Connection -> IO [HackerNewsItem]
    queryForItem con = query con "SELECT * FROM ? where _id = ? LIMIT 1;" (dbTableName, itemId) :: IO [HackerNewsItem]
    firstItem :: [HackerNewsItem] -> IO (Maybe HackerNewsItem)
    firstItem (x:y) = return (Just x)
    firstItem [] = return Nothing

getUrlsInDb :: IO [String]
getUrlsInDb = withConnection' queryForUrls >>= urls
    queryForUrls :: Connection -> IO [[String]]
    queryForUrls con = query con "SELECT url FROM ?;" (Only dbTableName) :: IO [[String]]
    urls :: [[String]] -> IO [String]
    urls [] = return []
    urls (x:y) = return ( extractUrl (x:y))
    extractUrl :: [String] -> String
    extractUrl [] = ""
    extractUrl (x:y) = x

getAllInDb :: IO [HackerNewsItem]
getAllInDb = withConnection' queryForItems
    queryForItems :: Connection -> IO [HackerNewsItem]
    queryForItems con = query con "SELECT * FROM ?;" (Only dbTableName)

getStoriesInDb :: IO [HackerNewsItem]
getStoriesInDb = withConnection' queryForItems
    queryForItems :: Connection -> IO [HackerNewsItem]
    queryForItems con = query con "SELECT * FROM ? where typee = 'story' and _id in (select _id from ?);" (
        , FPI.dbTableName

existsInDb :: Integer -> IO Bool
existsInDb itemId = getItemInDb itemId >>= maybe (return False) (\ _ -> return True)

idIfNotInDb :: Integer -> IO (Maybe Integer)
idIfNotInDb itemId = existsInDb itemId >>= \ exists -> if exists then return Nothing else return (Just itemId)

insertOrReplaceMaybe :: Maybe HackerNewsItem -> IO ()
insertOrReplaceMaybe = maybe (return ()) insertOrReplace

insertOrReplace :: HackerNewsItem -> IO ()
insertOrReplace HackerNewsItem {
      _id = i
    , by = b
    , score = s
    , time = t
    , title = title'
    , typee = typee'
    , url = u
  } = withConnection' insertOrReplace
    insertOrReplace :: Connection -> IO ()
    insertOrReplace con = execute con "REPLACE INTO ? (\
      \, by\
      \, score\
      \, time\
      \, title\
      \, typee\
      \, url\
      \) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);" (
          , i
          , b
          , s
          , t
          , title'
          , typee'
          , u


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}

module AlgoliaHits where

import GHC.Generics
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Control.Applicative
import Network.URI hiding (query)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List as DL
import Data.Text as DT
import Data.ByteString.Lazy
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Text.EditDistance
import Network.Wreq
import Database.SQLite.Simple
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromRow
import NeatInterpolation as NI

import DB
import URIUtil
import qualified Common as CO
import qualified HackerNewsItems as HNI

data AlgoliaHit = AlgoliaHit {
    _id                  :: Integer
  , author               :: String
  , points               :: Integer
  , createdAt            :: Integer
  , title                :: String
  , url                  :: Maybe String
  , hackerNewsItemsId    :: Integer
} deriving (Show, Generic)

data AlgoliaHits = AlgoliaHits {
  hits :: [AlgoliaHit]
} deriving (Show, Generic)

instance FromJSON AlgoliaHit where
  parseJSON = withObject "hit" $ \ o -> do
    _id'      <- o .: "objectID"
    author    <- o .: "author"
    points    <- o .: "points"
    createdAt <- o .: "created_at_i"
    title     <- o .: "title"
    url       <- o .: "url"
    let _id'' = read _id' :: Integer
    return (AlgoliaHit _id'' author points createdAt title url 0)

instance FromJSON AlgoliaHits where
  parseJSON (Object v) =
    AlgoliaHits <$> v .: "hits"

instance FromRow AlgoliaHit where
  fromRow = AlgoliaHit  <$> field
                        <*> field
                        <*> field
                        <*> field
                        <*> field
                        <*> field
                        <*> field

instance ToRow AlgoliaHit where
  toRow (AlgoliaHit _id author points createdAt title url hackerNewsItemsId) = toRow (
      , author
      , points
      , createdAt
      , title
      , url
      , hackerNewsItemsId

dbTableName :: String
dbTableName = "algoliaHits"

algoliaSearchApi :: String
algoliaSearchApi = ""

getAlgoliaHits :: HNI.HackerNewsItem -> IO [AlgoliaHit]
getAlgoliaHits hni = do
  exists' <- urlExistsInDb url'
  if exists'
    then print ("Skipping " ++ url') >> return []
    else do
      print url'
      r <- try(getWith opts algoliaSearchApi) :: IO (Either SomeException (Response ByteString))
      case r of
        Left e -> print e >> return []
        Right bs -> do
          let json = bs ^. responseBody
          let eitherAlgoliaHits = eitherDecode json :: Either String AlgoliaHits
          case eitherAlgoliaHits of
            Left s   -> print s >> return []
            Right ah -> return $ (\ h -> h { hackerNewsItemsId = foreignId }) (hits ah)
    url' = HNI.url hni
    foreignId = HNI._id hni
    opts = defaults & param "query" .~ [DT.pack $ uriNoQuery url'] & param "tags" .~ ["story"]

createDbTableIfNotExists :: IO ()
createDbTableIfNotExists = DB.createDbTableIfNotExists dbTableName attributes
    attributes = DT.unpack [NI.text|
        , author TEXT
        , points INTEGER
        , createdAt INTEGER
        , title TEXT
        , url TEXT
        , hackerNewsItemsId INTEGER
        , FOREIGN KEY('${hniDbTableName}Id') REFERENCES ${hniDbTableName}(_id)
        hniDbTableName = DT.pack HNI.dbTableName

getHitInDb :: Integer -> IO (Maybe AlgoliaHit)
getHitInDb hitId = withConnection' queryForHit >>= firstHit
    queryForHit :: Connection -> IO [AlgoliaHit]
    queryForHit con = query con "SELECT * FROM ? WHERE _id = ? LIMIT 1;" (dbTableName, hitId) :: IO [AlgoliaHit]
    firstHit :: [AlgoliaHit] -> IO (Maybe AlgoliaHit)
    firstHit (x:y) = return (Just x)
    firstHit [] = return Nothing

getHitsWithUrlInDb :: String -> IO [AlgoliaHit]
getHitsWithUrlInDb url' = withConnection' queryForHits
    queryForHits :: Connection -> IO [AlgoliaHit]
    queryForHits con = query con "SELECT * FROM ? WHERE url LIKE ?;" (dbTableName, url' ++ "%") :: IO [AlgoliaHit]

getUrlMatchesInDb :: IO [(Integer, Integer, Maybe String, Maybe String)]
getUrlMatchesInDb = do
  result <- withConnection' queryDB
  let matches = Prelude.filter ((/= -1) . CO.fst') (
           (\ (ahId, hniId, ahUrl, hniUrl) ->
                        if match ahUrl hniUrl then (ahId, hniId, ahUrl, hniUrl) else (-1, -1, Just "", Just "")
                      ) result
  return matches
    queryDB :: Connection -> IO [(Integer, Integer, Maybe String, Maybe String)]
    queryDB con = query_ con (Query $ sqlString (DT.pack dbTableName) (DT.pack HNI.dbTableName))
    sqlString dbTableName hniDbTableName = [NI.text|
        SELECT ah._id, hni._id, ah.url, hni.url FROM
        ${dbTableName} AS ah INNER JOIN ${hniDbTableName}
        AS hni ON ah.${hniDbTableName}Id = hni._id
    match :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Bool
    match Nothing Nothing = True
    match Nothing _ = False
    match _ Nothing = False
    match (Just ahUrl) (Just hniUrl) = tldDist == 0 && domainDist == 0 && subDomainDist < 10 && pathDist < 2 && queryDist == 0
        ahUri = uri $ cleanUri ahUrl
        hniUri = uri $ cleanUri hniUrl
        [ahTLD, hniTLD] = uriTLD [ahUri, hniUri]
        [ahDomain, hniDomain] = uriDomain [ahUri, hniUri]
        [ahSubdomain, hniSubdomain] = uriSubdomain [ahUri, hniUri]
        [ahPath, hniPath] = uriPath [ahUri, hniUri]
        [ahQuery, hniQuery] = uriQuery [ahUri, hniUri]
        ahQuery'  = if CO.notNull ahPath then "" else ahQuery
        hniQuery' = if CO.notNull hniPath then "" else hniQuery
        [tldDist, domainDist, subDomainDist, pathDist, queryDist] = (
          uncurry (levenshteinDistance defaultEditCosts)) [
                (ahTLD, hniTLD)
              , (ahDomain, hniDomain)
              , (ahSubdomain, hniSubdomain)
              , (ahPath, hniPath)
              , (ahQuery', hniQuery')

algoliaHitsIdsFromUrlMatches :: IO [Integer]
algoliaHitsIdsFromUrlMatches = getUrlMatchesInDb >>= mapM (return . CO.fst')

fixHitsForeignIds :: HNI.HackerNewsItem -> IO ()
fixHitsForeignIds hni = hits' >>= mapM_ insertOrReplace
    foreignId = HNI._id hni
    updateForeignId h = do
      let h' = h { hackerNewsItemsId = foreignId }
      print h'
      return h'
    hits' = getHitsWithUrlInDb (HNI.url hni) >>= mapM updateForeignId

existsInDb :: Integer -> IO Bool
existsInDb hitId = getHitInDb hitId >>= maybe (return False) (\ _ -> return True)

urlExistsInDb :: String -> IO Bool
urlExistsInDb url = (
    try (withConnection' queryForUrl >>= exists) :: IO (Either SomeException Bool)
  ) >>= either (\ e -> print e >> return False) return
    queryForUrl :: Connection -> IO [[String]]
    queryForUrl con = query con "SELECT url FROM ? WHERE url LIKE ? LIMIT 1;" (dbTableName, url ++ "%") :: IO [[String]]
    exists :: [[String]] -> IO Bool
    exists [] = return False
    exists (x:y) = if Prelude.null x then return False else return True

idIfNotInDb :: Integer -> IO (Maybe Integer)
idIfNotInDb hitId = existsInDb hitId >>= \ exists -> if exists then return Nothing else return (Just hitId)

insertOrReplaceMaybe :: Maybe AlgoliaHit -> IO ()
insertOrReplaceMaybe = maybe (return ()) insertOrReplace

insertOrReplace :: AlgoliaHit -> IO ()
insertOrReplace AlgoliaHit {
      _id = i
    , author = a
    , points = p
    , createdAt = c
    , title = t
    , url = u
    , hackerNewsItemsId = hniId
  } = void (try (withConnection' insertOrReplace) :: IO (Either SomeException ()))
    insertOrReplace :: Connection -> IO ()
    insertOrReplace con = execute con "REPLACE INTO ? (\
                                      \  _id \
                                      \ , author \
                                      \ , points \
                                      \ , createdAt \
                                      \ , title \
                                      \ , url \
                                      \ , hackerNewsItemsId \
                                      \ ) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);" (
                                        , i
                                        , a
                                        , p
                                        , t
                                        , u
                                        , hniId


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Elasticsearch where

import GHC.Generics
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Monad
import Network.URI hiding (query)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text as DT
import Data.ByteString.Lazy
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Map
import Network.Wreq as W

import DB
import DateTimeUtil as DTU
import qualified FrontPageItems as FPI
import qualified HackerNewsItems as HNI
import qualified AlgoliaHits as AH
import qualified FrontsAndBacks as FAB
import qualified StopWords as SW

instance ToJSON HNI.HackerNewsItem where
  toJSON hni = object [
        "id"        .=                              HNI._id     hni
      , "user"      .=                          hni
      , "points"    .=                              HNI.score   hni
      , "url"       .=                              HNI.url     hni
      , "title"     .=                              HNI.title   hni
      , "date"      .= (1000 *                      HNI.time    hni)
      , "month"     .= DTU.monthOfYearEdtZonedTime (HNI.time    hni)
      , "day"       .= DTU.dayOfWeekEdtZonedTime   (HNI.time    hni)
      , "hour"      .= DTU.hourOfDayEdtZonedTime   (HNI.time    hni)
      , "mininute"  .= DTU.minOfHourEdtZonedTime   (HNI.time    hni)

instance ToJSON AH.AlgoliaHit where
  toJSON ah = object [
        "id"        .=                              AH._id                  ah
      , "user"      .=                                   ah
      , "points"    .=                              AH.points               ah
      , "url"       .=                              AH.url                  ah
      , "title"     .=                              AH.title                ah
      , "date"      .= (1000 *                      AH.createdAt            ah)
      , "month"     .= DTU.monthOfYearEdtZonedTime (AH.createdAt            ah)
      , "day"       .= DTU.dayOfWeekEdtZonedTime   (AH.createdAt            ah)
      , "hour"      .= DTU.hourOfDayEdtZonedTime   (AH.createdAt            ah)
      , "minute"    .= DTU.minOfHourEdtZonedTime   (AH.createdAt            ah)
      , "frontId"   .=                              AH.hackerNewsItemsId    ah

elasticsearchLocation :: String
elasticsearchLocation = "http://localhost:9200/"

elasticsearchIndexName :: String
elasticsearchIndexName = "hackernewsfrontback/"

elasticsearchIndex = elasticsearchLocation ++ elasticsearchIndexName

deleteIndex :: IO ()
deleteIndex = void $ W.delete elasticsearchIndex

createIndex :: IO ()
createIndex = void(post elasticsearchIndex json)
    json = object [
        "mappings" .= object [
            "front" .= object [
              "properties" .= object [
                  "id" .= object [
                      "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
                    , "index" .= ("not_analyzed" :: String)
                  "user" .= object [
                      "type" .= ("string" :: String)
                    , "index" .= ("not_analyzed" :: String)
                  "points" .= object [
                    "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
                  "url" .= object [
                      "type" .= ("string" :: String)
                    , "index" .= ("not_analyzed" :: String)
                  "title" .= object [
                      "type" .= ("string" :: String)
                    , "analyzer" .= ("english" :: String)
                  "date" .= object [
                    "type" .= ("date" :: String)
                  "month" .= object [
                    "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
                  "day" .= object [
                    "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
                  "hour" .= object [
                    "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
                  "minute" .= object [
                    "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
            "back" .= object [
                "_parent" .= object [
                  "type" .= ("front" :: String)
                "properties" .= object [
                    "id" .= object [
                        "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
                      , "index" .= ("not_analyzed" :: String)
                    "user" .= object [
                      "type" .= ("string" :: String)
                    , "index" .= ("not_analyzed" :: String)
                    "points" .= object [
                      "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
                    "url" .= object [
                        "type" .= ("string" :: String)
                      , "index" .= ("not_analyzed" :: String)
                    "title" .= object [
                        "type" .= ("string" :: String)
                      , "analyzer" .= ("english" :: String)
                    "date" .= object [
                      "type" .= ("date" :: String)
                    "month" .= object [
                      "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
                    "day" .= object [
                      "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
                    "hour" .= object [
                      "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
                    "minute" .= object [
                      "type" .= ("integer" :: String)
                    "frontId" .= object [
                        "type" .= ("integer" :: String),
                      "index" .= ("not_analyzed" :: String)

indexFronts :: IO ()
indexFronts = FAB.getFrontsInDb >>= mapM_ index
    index x = put (elasticsearchIndex ++ "front/" ++ _id x) $ toJSON x
    _id = show . HNI._id

indexBacks :: IO ()
indexBacks = FAB.getBacksInDb >>= mapM_ index
    index x = putWith (opts x) (elasticsearchIndex ++ "back/" ++ _id x) $ toJSON x
    opts x = defaults & param "parent" .~ [DT.pack $ show $ AH.hackerNewsItemsId x]
    _id = show . AH._id

createAndFillIndex :: IO ()
createAndFillIndex = deleteIndex >> createIndex >> indexFronts >> indexBacks


runEsAgg :: Value -> IO Value
runEsAgg v = postWith opts (elasticsearchIndex ++ "_search") v >>= parseResponse
    opts = defaults & param "search_type" .~ ["count"]

parseResponse :: Response ByteString -> IO Value
parseResponse r = return (fromMaybe (object []) (decode (r ^. responseBody) :: Maybe Value))

parseAgg :: (Value -> Parser [a]) -> Value -> Either String [a]
parseAgg = parseEither

aggResult :: (Value -> Either String [a]) -> IO Value -> IO [a]
aggResult f = fmap (either (const []) id . f)

keyDocCountParser :: FromJSON a => Value -> Parser (a, Integer)
keyDocCountParser = withObject "keyDocCount" (\ obj -> do
    k <- obj .: "key"
    v <- obj .: "doc_count"
    return (k, v)


esAggDayHour :: IO Value
esAggDayHour = runEsAgg json
    json = object [
        "aggs" .= object [
          "type" .= object [
              "terms" .= object [
                  "field" .= ("_type" :: String)
                , "size"  .= (2 :: Integer)
                , "order" .= object [
                    "_term" .= ("asc" :: String)
              "aggs" .= object [
                  "day" .= object [
                    "terms" .= object [
                        "field" .= ("day" :: String)
                      , "size"  .= (7 :: Integer)
                      , "order" .= object [
                          "_term" .= ("asc" :: String)
                  "hour" .= object [
                    "terms" .= object [
                        "field" .= ("hour" :: String)
                      , "size"  .= (24 :: Integer)
                      , "order" .= object [
                          "_term" .= ("asc" :: String)

data AggDayHourResult = AggDayHourResult {
      aggDayHourTypeKey :: String
    , aggDay :: [(Integer, Integer)]
    , aggHour :: [(Integer, Integer)]
  } deriving (Show)

aggDayHourParser :: Value -> Parser [AggDayHourResult]
aggDayHourParser = withObject "agg" (\ obj -> do
    aggs <- obj .: "aggregations"
    typee <- aggs .: "type"

    (bucket1:bucket2:y) <- typee .: "buckets"

    bucket1Key <- (bucket1 .: "key") :: Parser String

    dayBucket1 <- bucket1 .: "day"
    dayBucket1Buckets <- dayBucket1 .: "buckets"
    dayBucket1Buckets' <- mapM keyDocCountParser dayBucket1Buckets :: Parser [(Integer, Integer)]

    hourBucket1 <- bucket1 .: "hour"
    hourBucket1Buckets <- hourBucket1 .: "buckets"
    hourBucket1Buckets' <- mapM keyDocCountParser hourBucket1Buckets :: Parser [(Integer, Integer)]

    bucket2Key <- (bucket2 .: "key") :: Parser String

    dayBucket2 <- bucket2 .: "day"
    dayBucket2Buckets <- dayBucket2 .: "buckets"
    dayBucket2Buckets' <- mapM keyDocCountParser dayBucket2Buckets :: Parser [(Integer, Integer)]

    hourBucket2 <- bucket2 .: "hour"
    hourBucket2Buckets <- hourBucket2 .: "buckets"
    hourBucket2Buckets' <- mapM keyDocCountParser hourBucket2Buckets :: Parser [(Integer, Integer)]

    return [
          AggDayHourResult { aggDayHourTypeKey = bucket1Key, aggDay = dayBucket1Buckets', aggHour = hourBucket1Buckets' }
        , AggDayHourResult { aggDayHourTypeKey = bucket2Key, aggDay = dayBucket2Buckets', aggHour = hourBucket2Buckets' }

parseAggDayHour :: Value -> Either String [AggDayHourResult]
parseAggDayHour = parseAgg aggDayHourParser

aggDayHourResult :: IO [AggDayHourResult]
aggDayHourResult = aggResult parseAggDayHour esAggDayHour


esAggTitle :: IO Value
esAggTitle = runEsAgg json
    json = object [
        "aggs" .= object [
          "type" .= object [
              "terms" .= object [
                  "field" .= ("_type" :: String)
                , "size"  .= (2 :: Integer)
                , "order" .= object [
                    "_term" .= ("asc" :: String)
              "aggs" .= object [
                "title" .= object [
                  "terms" .= object [
                      "field" .= ("title" :: String)
                    , "size"  .= (10000000 :: Integer)
                    , "min_doc_count" .= (1 :: Integer)
                    , "exclude" .= SW.stopWords
                    , "order" .= object [
                        "_term" .= ("asc" :: String)

data AggTitleResult = AggTitleResult {
      aggTitleTypeKey :: String
    , aggTitle :: [(String, Integer)]
  } deriving (Show)

aggTitleParser :: Value -> Parser [AggTitleResult]
aggTitleParser = withObject "agg" (\ obj -> do
    aggs <- obj .: "aggregations"
    typee <- aggs .: "type"

    (bucket1:bucket2:y) <- typee .: "buckets"

    bucket1Key <- (bucket1 .: "key") :: Parser String

    titleBucket1 <- bucket1 .: "title"
    titleBucket1Buckets  <- titleBucket1 .: "buckets"
    titleBucket1Buckets' <- mapM keyDocCountParser titleBucket1Buckets :: Parser [(String, Integer)]

    bucket2Key <- (bucket2 .: "key") :: Parser String

    titleBucket2 <- bucket2 .: "title"
    titleBucket2Buckets  <- titleBucket2 .: "buckets"
    titleBucket2Buckets' <- mapM keyDocCountParser titleBucket2Buckets :: Parser [(String, Integer)]

    return [
          AggTitleResult { aggTitleTypeKey = bucket1Key, aggTitle = titleBucket1Buckets' }
        , AggTitleResult { aggTitleTypeKey = bucket2Key, aggTitle = titleBucket2Buckets' }

parseAggTitle :: Value -> Either String [AggTitleResult]
parseAggTitle = parseAgg aggTitleParser

aggTitleResult :: IO [AggTitleResult]
aggTitleResult = aggResult parseAggTitle esAggTitle


esAggUser :: IO Value
esAggUser = runEsAgg json
    json = object [
        "aggs" .= object [
          "type" .= object [
              "terms" .= object [
                  "field" .= ("_type" :: String)
                , "size"  .= (2 :: Integer)
                , "order" .= object [
                    "_term" .= ("asc" :: String)
              "aggs" .= object [
                "user" .= object [
                  "terms" .= object [
                      "field" .= ("user" :: String)
                    , "size"  .= (10000000 :: Integer)
                    , "min_doc_count" .= (1 :: Integer)
                    , "order" .= object [
                        "_count" .= ("desc" :: String)

data AggUserResult = AggUserResult {
      aggUserTypeKey :: String
    , aggUser :: [(String, Integer)]
  } deriving (Show)

aggUserParser :: Value -> Parser [AggUserResult]
aggUserParser = withObject "agg" (\ obj -> do
    aggs <- obj .: "aggregations"
    typee <- aggs .: "type"

    (bucket1:bucket2:y) <- typee .: "buckets"

    bucket1Key <- (bucket1 .: "key") :: Parser String

    userBucket1 <- bucket1 .: "user"
    userBucket1Buckets  <- userBucket1 .: "buckets"
    userBucket1Buckets' <- mapM keyDocCountParser userBucket1Buckets :: Parser [(String, Integer)]

    bucket2Key <- (bucket2 .: "key") :: Parser String

    userBucket2 <- bucket2 .: "user"
    userBucket2Buckets  <- userBucket2 .: "buckets"
    userBucket2Buckets' <- mapM keyDocCountParser userBucket2Buckets :: Parser [(String, Integer)]

    return [
          AggUserResult { aggUserTypeKey = bucket1Key, aggUser = userBucket1Buckets' }
        , AggUserResult { aggUserTypeKey = bucket2Key, aggUser = userBucket2Buckets' }

parseAggUser :: Value -> Either String [AggUserResult]
parseAggUser = parseAgg aggUserParser

aggUserResult :: IO [AggUserResult]
aggUserResult = aggResult parseAggUser esAggUser


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}

module FrontsAndBacks where

import GHC.Generics
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Control.Applicative
import Network.URI hiding (query)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.List as DL
import Data.Text as DT
import Data.ByteString.Lazy
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Database.SQLite.Simple
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromRow
import NeatInterpolation as NI

import DB
import qualified FrontPageItems as FPI
import qualified HackerNewsItems as HNI
import qualified AlgoliaHits as AH

backsSqlSelectionString :: IO String
backsSqlSelectionString = fmap makeSqlString AH.algoliaHitsIdsFromUrlMatches
    makeSqlString ids = DT.unpack $ [NI.text|
        SELECT * FROM ${ahDbTableName} WHERE _id NOT IN (
          SELECT _id FROM ${fpiDbTableName}
        ) AND url in (
          SELECT url FROM ${ahDbTableName} GROUP BY url HAVING COUNT(url) > 1
        ) AND points <= 3
        AND LENGTH(url) > 0
        AND _id in (
          SELECT ah._id FROM ${ahDbTableName} AS ah
          INNER JOIN ${hniDbTableName} AS hni
          ON ah.${hniDbTableName}Id = hni._id
          WHERE ah.createdAt <= hni.time
        AND _id IN (
        AND ${hniDbTableName}Id NOT IN (
          SELECT ah.${hniDbTableName}Id FROM ${ahDbTableName} AS ah
          INNER JOIN ${hniDbTableName} AS hni ON ah.${hniDbTableName}Id = hni._id
          WHERE ah._id != hni._id
          AND ah.createdAt != hni.time
          AND ah.points > 3
          AND LENGTH(ah.url) > 0
        ids' = DT.pack $ DL.intercalate "," ( show ids)
        [ahDbTableName, hniDbTableName, fpiDbTableName] = DT.pack [
            , HNI.dbTableName
            , FPI.dbTableName

getBacksInDb :: IO [AH.AlgoliaHit]
getBacksInDb = withConnection' queryForHits
    queryForHits :: Connection -> IO [AH.AlgoliaHit]
    queryForHits con = backsSqlSelectionString >>= (\ sql ->
        query_ con (Query $ DT.pack (sql ++ ";"))
      ) :: IO [AH.AlgoliaHit]

getFrontsInDb :: IO [HNI.HackerNewsItem]
getFrontsInDb = withConnection' queryForItems
    queryForItems :: Connection -> IO [HNI.HackerNewsItem]
    queryForItems con = backsSqlSelectionString >>= (\ backSqlString ->
        query_ con (Query $ makeSqlString $ DT.pack backSqlString )
    makeSqlString backSqlString = [NI.text|
        SELECT * FROM ${hniDbTableName} WHERE _id IN (
          SELECT ${hniDbTableName}Id FROM (${backSqlString})
        hniDbTableName = DT.pack HNI.dbTableName


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings #-}

module SentimentApi where

import GHC.Generics
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Control.Applicative
import Network.URI hiding (query)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Text
import Data.ByteString.Lazy
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Network.Wreq


data SentimentApiResult = SentimentApiResult {
    score  :: Double
  , result :: String
} deriving (Show, Generic)

instance FromJSON SentimentApiResult where
  parseJSON (Object v) =
    SentimentApiResult <$> v .: "score"
                       <*> v .: "result"

-- curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"text":"text"}'

getSentimentApiResults :: [String] -> IO [SentimentApiResult]
getSentimentApiResults [] = return []
getSentimentApiResults (x:y) = fmap catMaybes (mapM getSentimentApiResult (x:y))

getSentimentApiResult :: String -> IO (Maybe SentimentApiResult)
getSentimentApiResult s = post apiUrl json >>= parseResponse
    apiUrl = "http://localhost:8000/api/sentiment/v1"
    json = object [ "text" .= (s :: String) ]

parseResponse :: Response ByteString -> IO (Maybe SentimentApiResult)
parseResponse r = return (decode (r ^. responseBody) :: Maybe SentimentApiResult)


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module TimeAnalysis where

import GHC.Generics
import GHC.OldList as GOL
import Text.Printf
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List as DL
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo

import qualified Elasticsearch as ES
import qualified Common as CO

degreesOfFreedom :: Int -> Int -> Int
degreesOfFreedom rows cols = (rows - 1) * (cols - 1)

expectedFreq :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Double
expectedFreq rowTotal tableTotal colTotal = (fromInteger rowTotal * fromInteger colTotal) / fromInteger tableTotal

expectedFreqs :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> [Double]
expectedFreqs _ _ [] = []
expectedFreqs rowTotal tableTotal colTotals = (expectedFreq rowTotal tableTotal) colTotals

chiSquare :: [(Integer, Double)] -> Double
chiSquare []    = -1.0
chiSquare (x:y) = Prelude.sum ( (\ (o, e) ->
        ((fromInteger o - e)**2.0) / e
      ) (x:y)

cramersV :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> Double -> (Double, Int)
cramersV n rows cols chi = ((chi / (fromIntegral n * fromIntegral df))**(1/2), df)
    df = min (rows - 1) (cols - 1)

chiSquareHour :: IO (Double, Int)
chiSquareHour = chiSquareAgg (hoursList . ES.aggHour)

chiSquareDay :: IO (Double, Int)
chiSquareDay = chiSquareAgg (daysList . ES.aggDay)

chiSquareAgg :: (ES.AggDayHourResult -> [Integer]) -> IO (Double, Int)
chiSquareAgg f = do
  aggDayHourResult <- ES.aggDayHourResult
  if Prelude.length aggDayHourResult == 2
    then do
      let backs  = f $ Prelude.head aggDayHourResult
      let fronts = f $ Prelude.last aggDayHourResult
      let rowTotals = [Prelude.sum backs, Prelude.sum fronts]
      let colTotals = Prelude.zipWith (+) backs fronts
      let tableTotal = Prelude.sum rowTotals
      print  tableTotal
      print (Prelude.sum colTotals)
      print rowTotals
      let observed = backs ++ fronts
      let backsExpected = expectedFreqs (Prelude.head rowTotals) tableTotal colTotals
      let frontsExpected = expectedFreqs (Prelude.last rowTotals) tableTotal colTotals
      printCountExpectedValueRow "Back" backs backsExpected
      printCountExpectedValueRow "Front" fronts frontsExpected
      print colTotals
      let expected = backsExpected ++ frontsExpected
      let expectedLtFive = Prelude.filter (< 5.0) expected
      putStrLn $ "% Expected Values less than 5.0: " ++ show (100.0 * (
          fromIntegral (Prelude.length expectedLtFive) / fromIntegral (Prelude.length expected)
      let observedExpected = observed expected
      let numCols = Prelude.length colTotals
      let numRows = Prelude.length rowTotals
      let chi = chiSquare observedExpected
      let dof = degreesOfFreedom numRows numCols
      putStrLn $ "CramersV: " ++ show (cramersV tableTotal numRows numCols chi)
      return (chi, dof)
    else return (-1.0, 0)
    printCountExpectedValueRow t c ev =
      putStrLn $ t ++ "," ++ DL.intercalate "," (
 (\(x,y) ->
            show x ++ " (" ++ (Text.Printf.printf "%.2f" y :: String) ++ ")"
          ) $ c ev

timeList :: Int -> [Integer] -> [(Integer, Integer)] -> [Integer]
timeList t _ []    = Prelude.take t [0, 0..]
timeList t r (x:y) = (\ a ->
    maybe 0 snd (GOL.find ((== a) . fst) (x:y))
  ) r

daysList :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> [Integer]
daysList = timeList 7 [1..7]

hoursList :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> [Integer]
hoursList = timeList 24 [0..23]

backsDayAgg :: IO [(Integer, Integer)]
backsDayAgg = do
  aggDayHourResult <- ES.aggDayHourResult
  let backs = (daysList . ES.aggDay) $ Prelude.head aggDayHourResult
  return ( [1..7] backs)

frontsDayAgg :: IO [(Integer, Integer)]
frontsDayAgg = do
  aggDayHourResult <- ES.aggDayHourResult
  let fronts = (daysList . ES.aggDay) $ Prelude.last aggDayHourResult
  return ( [1..7] fronts)

chartDayAgg :: IO ()
chartDayAgg = do
  backsDayAgg'  <- backsDayAgg
  frontsDayAgg' <- frontsDayAgg
  let backsTotal  = CO.secondSum backsDayAgg'  :: Integer
  let frontsTotal = CO.secondSum frontsDayAgg' :: Integer
  let dow = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
  let plotData  = (
          \ ((d, b), (_, f)) -> (dow!!fromInteger (d - 1), [
              (fromInteger b / fromInteger backsTotal) :: Double
            , (fromInteger f / fromInteger frontsTotal) :: Double
        ) $ backsDayAgg' frontsDayAgg'
  print $ Prelude.sum $ map (\ (_, b:f:_) -> b) plotData
  print $ Prelude.sum $ map (\ (_, b:f:_) -> f) plotData
  let plotDataDiff = (
          \ (d, b:f:_) -> (d, [abs $ (f :: Double) - (b :: Double)])
        ) plotData
  toFile (FileOptions (1500,1000) SVG) "./charts/chartDayAgg.svg" $ do
    layout_title .= "Hacker News Fronts vs Backs - Days of the Week"
    layout_y_axis . laxis_generate .= scaledAxis def (0.0, 0.2)
    layout_x_axis . laxis_generate .= autoIndexAxis (map fst plotData)
    setColors $ map opaque [lightskyblue, lightcoral]
    plot $ plotBars <$> bars' ["Backs", "Fronts"] (addIndexes (map snd plotData))
  toFile (FileOptions (1500,1000) SVG) "./charts/chartDayDiffAgg.svg" $ do
    layout_title .= "Hacker News Fronts vs Backs - Days of the Week Difference"
    layout_y_axis . laxis_generate .= scaledAxis def (0.0, 0.2)
    layout_x_axis . laxis_generate .= autoIndexAxis (map fst plotDataDiff)
    setColors $ map opaque [lightsteelblue]
    plot $ plotBars <$> bars' ["|Fronts - Backs|"] (addIndexes (map snd plotDataDiff))
  return ()

backsHourAgg :: IO [(Integer, Integer)]
backsHourAgg = do
  aggDayHourResult <- ES.aggDayHourResult
  let backs = (hoursList . ES.aggHour) $ Prelude.head aggDayHourResult
  return ( [0..23] backs)

frontsHourAgg :: IO [(Integer, Integer)]
frontsHourAgg = do
  aggDayHourResult <- ES.aggDayHourResult
  let fronts = (hoursList . ES.aggHour) $ Prelude.last aggDayHourResult
  return ( [0..23] fronts)

chartHourAgg :: IO ()
chartHourAgg = do
  backsHourAgg'  <- backsHourAgg
  frontsHourAgg' <- frontsHourAgg
  let backsTotal  = CO.secondSum backsHourAgg'  :: Integer
  let frontsTotal = CO.secondSum frontsHourAgg' :: Integer
  let hod = map (\ x -> show x ++ "00") [0..23]
  let plotData  = (
          \ ((h, b), (_, f)) -> (hod!!fromInteger h, [
              (fromInteger b / fromInteger backsTotal) :: Double
            , (fromInteger f / fromInteger frontsTotal) :: Double
        ) $ backsHourAgg' frontsHourAgg'
  print $ Prelude.sum $ map (\ (_, b:f:_) -> b) plotData
  print $ Prelude.sum $ map (\ (_, b:f:_) -> f) plotData
  let plotDataDiff = (
          \ (h, b:f:_) -> (h, [abs $ (f :: Double) - (b :: Double)])
        ) plotData
  toFile (FileOptions (1500,1000) SVG) "./charts/chartHourAgg.svg" $ do
    layout_title .= "Hacker News Fronts vs Backs - Hours of the Day"
    layout_y_axis . laxis_generate .= scaledAxis def (0.0, 0.1)
    layout_x_axis . laxis_generate .= autoIndexAxis (map fst plotData)
    setColors $ map opaque [lightskyblue, lightcoral]
    plot $ plotBars <$> bars' ["Backs", "Fronts"] (addIndexes (map snd plotData))
  toFile (FileOptions (1500,1000) SVG) "./charts/chartHourDiffAgg.svg" $ do
    layout_title .= "Hacker News Fronts vs Backs - Hours of the Day Difference"
    layout_y_axis . laxis_generate .= scaledAxis def (0.0, 0.1)
    layout_x_axis . laxis_generate .= autoIndexAxis (map fst plotDataDiff)
    setColors $ map opaque [lightsteelblue]
    plot $ plotBars <$> bars' ["|Fronts - Backs|"] (addIndexes (map snd plotDataDiff))
  return ()

chartDayHourAgg :: IO ()
chartDayHourAgg = chartDayAgg >> chartHourAgg

-- Modified from
-- to remove borders.
bars' :: (PlotValue x, BarsPlotValue y) => [String] -> [(x,[y])] -> EC l (PlotBars x y)
bars' titles vals = liftEC $ do
  styles <- sequence [fmap mkStyle takeColor | _ <- titles]
  plot_bars_titles .= titles
  plot_bars_values .= vals
  plot_bars_style .= BarsClustered
  plot_bars_spacing .= BarsFixGap 30 5
  plot_bars_item_styles .= styles
    mkStyle c = (solidFillStyle c, Nothing)


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}

module TitleAnalysis where

import System.Process
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List as DL
import Data.Map as DM
import Data.Set as DS
import Data.Text as DT
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as DBL
import Data.Aeson
import NeatInterpolation as NI

import qualified HackerNewsItems as HNI
import qualified AlgoliaHits as AH
import qualified FrontsAndBacks as FOB
import qualified Elasticsearch as ES
import qualified SentimentApi as SA
import qualified Common as CO

esAggTitleResult :: IO ([(String, Integer)], [(String, Integer)])
esAggTitleResult = CO.esAggBackFrontFieldResult ES.aggTitle ES.aggTitleResult

corpusIO :: IO [String]
corpusIO = fmap corpus esAggTitleResult

corpus :: ([(String, Integer)], [(String, Integer)]) -> [String]
corpus (b, f) = DL.sort $ DS.toList $ DS.fromList $ fst (b ++ f :: [(String, Integer)])

backsAndFrontsTitles :: IO ([String],[String])
backsAndFrontsTitles = do
  backsTitles  <- fmap ( AH.title) FOB.getBacksInDb
  frontsTitles <- fmap ( HNI.title) FOB.getFrontsInDb
  return (backsTitles, frontsTitles)

chartTitleAgg :: IO ()
chartTitleAgg = do
  (backs, fronts) <- esAggTitleResult
  let backsTotal  = CO.secondSum backs
  let frontsTotal = CO.secondSum fronts
  let backsMap    = CO.makeKeyMap backsTotal backs
  let frontsMap   = CO.makeKeyMap frontsTotal fronts
  let keys        = corpus (backs, fronts)
  let backsMap'   = CO.makeAllKeyMap keys backsMap
  let frontsMap'  = CO.makeAllKeyMap keys frontsMap
  let backsFronts  = [
          (k, [CO.lookupKey k backsMap', CO.lookupKey k frontsMap']) |
          k <- keys, CO.lookupKey k frontsMap' >= 0.0
  let tableString = DL.intercalate "\n" $ "Type Word Value":[
                          "Backs \""
                        ++ k
                        ++ "\" "
                        ++ show b
                        ++ "\nFronts \""
                        ++ k
                        ++ "\" "
                        ++ show f
                        | (k, [b, f]) <- backsFronts
  let tableFile = "./data/txt/chartTitleAggTable.txt"
  writeFile tableFile tableString
  let rfile = "./src/chartTitleAgg.r"
  let chartFile = "./charts/chartTitleAgg.svg"
  CO.writeROrPyFile makeRFile tableFile chartFile rfile
  CO.runRFile rfile
  return ()
    makeRFile :: Text -> Text -> Text
    makeRFile tableFile chartFile = [NI.text|
        data = read.table(file='${tableFile}', header=T);
        p = ggplot(data, aes(reorder(factor(Word), Value), Value, fill=Type)) +
          geom_bar(stat='identity', width=0.5, position=position_dodge(width=0.5)) +
          coord_flip() +
          scale_fill_manual(values=c('#87cefa', '#f08080')) +
          labs(x='', y='', title='Hacker News Fronts vs Backs - Title Word Relative Frequency') +
            plot.margin=unit(c(1,1,1,1), 'in'),
        ggsave(filename='${chartFile}', plot=p, width=20, height=400, units='in', limitsize=F);

chartSentimentAnalysis :: IO ()
chartSentimentAnalysis = do
  (backsTitles, frontsTitles) <- backsAndFrontsTitles
  backsSents   <- sents backsTitles
  frontsSents  <- sents frontsTitles
  let backsFronts = [("Backs", s) | s <- backsSents] ++ [("Fronts", s) | s <- frontsSents]
  let tableString = DL.intercalate "\n" $ "Type Score":[
                        ++ " "
                        ++ show s
                        | (k, s) <- backsFronts
  let tableFile = "./data/txt/chartTitleSentimentTable.txt"
  writeFile tableFile tableString
  let rfile = "./src/chartTitleSentiment.r"
  let chartFile = "./charts/chartTitleSentiment.svg"
  CO.writeROrPyFile makeRFile tableFile chartFile rfile
  CO.runRFile rfile
  return ()
    sents :: [String] -> IO [Double]
    sents t = fmap ( SA.score) (SA.getSentimentApiResults t)
    makeRFile :: Text -> Text -> Text
    makeRFile tableFile chartFile = [NI.text|
        data = read.table(file='${tableFile}', header=T);
        slice = data$$Type == 'Fronts'
        data.fronts = data[slice,]$$Score
        data.backs  = data[!slice,]$$Score
        t.test(data.fronts, data.backs)
        p = ggplot(data, aes(x=factor(Type), y=Score), fill=factor(Type)) +
          geom_boxplot(aes(fill=factor(Type)), outlier.colour='#ff00a2') +
          geom_jitter() +
          scale_fill_manual(values=c('#87cefa', '#f08080')) +
          coord_flip() +
            y='\nLinearSVC Confidence Score (Distance from Sample to Hyperplane)\n\n0 - Neutral, >0 - Positive, <0 - Negative',
            title='Hacker News Fronts vs Backs - Title Sentiment'
          ) +
            plot.margin=unit(c(1,1,1,1), 'in'),
        ggsave(filename='${chartFile}', plot=p, width=20, height=20, units='in', limitsize=F);

chartTitleProjection :: IO ()
chartTitleProjection = do
  (backsTitles, frontsTitles) <- backsAndFrontsTitles
  let json = encode $ object [ "fronts" .= backsTitles, "backs" .= frontsTitles ]
  let jsonFile = "./data/json/chartTitleProjection.json"
  DBL.writeFile jsonFile json
  let chartFile = "./charts/chartTitleProjection"
  let pyfile = "./venv/src/"
  CO.writeROrPyFile makePyFile jsonFile chartFile pyfile
  createProcess (proc "./venv/bin/python" [pyfile])
  return ()
    makePyFile :: Text -> Text -> Text
    makePyFile jsonFile chartFile = [NI.text|
      import json
      import pandas as pd
      import seaborn as sns
      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
      from sklearn.manifold import TSNE, MDS, LocallyLinearEmbedding
      from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

      with open('${jsonFile}') as f:
        data = json.load(f)
      tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', strip_accents='unicode', norm=None)['backs'] + data['fronts'])
      for projector in [MDS, TSNE, LocallyLinearEmbedding]:
        for two_d in [True, False]:
          backVecs  = tfidf.transform(data['backs'])
          frontVecs = tfidf.transform(data['fronts'])
          n_components = 2 if two_d else 3
          transBackVecs  = projector(n_components=n_components).fit_transform(backVecs.toarray())
          transFrontVecs = projector(n_components=n_components).fit_transform(frontVecs.toarray())
          transBackVecs1  = []
          transFrontVecs1 = []
          for r in transFrontVecs:
            transFrontVecs1.append(list(r) + ['Fronts'])
          for r in transBackVecs:
            transBackVecs1.append(list(r) + ['Backs'])
          transBackFrontVecs = transBackVecs1 + transFrontVecs1
          columns = ['x', 'y', 'Type'] if two_d else ['x', 'y', 'z', 'Type']
          df = pd.DataFrame(transBackFrontVecs, columns=columns)

          title = 'Hacker News Fronts vs Backs - Titles Projection ' + projector.__name__ + '\n'

          if two_d:
            sns.set_palette(sns.color_palette(['#87cefa', '#f08080']))
            p = sns.lmplot(
              markers=['o', 'p'],
              scatter_kws={'s': 100, 'edgecolor': 'black', 'linewidth': 1.0}
            p.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.90, bottom=0.10, left=0.10, right=0.90)
            chartFile = '${chartFile}' + projector.__name__ + '.svg'
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, axisbg='1.0')
            ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
            for coords, color in [(transBackVecs1, '#87cefa'), (transFrontVecs1, '#f08080')]:
              df = pd.DataFrame(coords, columns=columns)
              ax.scatter(df['x'].tolist(), df['y'].tolist(), df['z'].tolist(), color=color)


  David Lettier (C) 2016

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}

module UserAnalysis where

import System.Process
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List as DL
import Data.Map as DM
import Data.Set as DS
import Data.Text as DT
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as DBL
import Data.Aeson
import NeatInterpolation as NI

import qualified HackerNewsItems as HNI
import qualified AlgoliaHits as AH
import qualified FrontsAndBacks as FOB
import qualified Elasticsearch as ES
import qualified SentimentApi as SA
import qualified Common as CO

esAggUserResult :: IO ([(String, Integer)], [(String, Integer)])
esAggUserResult = CO.esAggBackFrontFieldResult ES.aggUser ES.aggUserResult

corpusIO :: IO [String]
corpusIO = fmap corpus esAggUserResult

corpus :: ([(String, Integer)], [(String, Integer)]) -> [String]
corpus (b, f) = DL.sort $ DS.toList $ DS.fromList $ fst (b ++ f :: [(String, Integer)])

chartUserAgg :: IO ()
chartUserAgg = do
  (backs, fronts) <- esAggUserResult
  let backsTotal  = CO.secondSum backs
  let frontsTotal = CO.secondSum fronts
  let backsMap    = CO.makeKeyMap backsTotal backs
  let frontsMap   = CO.makeKeyMap frontsTotal fronts
  let keys        = corpus (backs, fronts)
  let backsMap'   = CO.makeAllKeyMap keys backsMap
  let frontsMap'  = CO.makeAllKeyMap keys frontsMap
  let backsFronts  = [
          (k, [CO.lookupKey k backsMap', CO.lookupKey k frontsMap']) |
          k <- keys, CO.lookupKey k frontsMap' >= 0.0
  let tableString = DL.intercalate "\n" $ "Type User Value":[
                          "Backs \""
                        ++ k
                        ++ "\" "
                        ++ show b
                        ++ "\nFronts \""
                        ++ k
                        ++ "\" "
                        ++ show f
                        | (k, [b, f]) <- backsFronts
  let tableFile = "./data/txt/chartUserAggTable.txt"
  writeFile tableFile tableString
  let rfile = "./src/chartUserAgg.r"
  let chartFile = "./charts/chartUserAgg.svg"
  CO.writeROrPyFile makeRFile tableFile chartFile rfile
  CO.runRFile rfile
  return ()
    makeRFile :: Text -> Text -> Text
    makeRFile tableFile chartFile = [NI.text|
        data = read.table(file='${tableFile}', header=T);
        p = ggplot(data, aes(reorder(factor(User), Value), Value, fill=Type)) +
          geom_bar(stat='identity', width=0.5, position=position_dodge(width=0.5)) +
          coord_flip() +
          scale_fill_manual(values=c('#87cefa', '#f08080')) +
          labs(x='', y='', title='Hacker News Fronts vs Backs - User Relative Frequency') +
            plot.margin=unit(c(1,1,1,1), 'in'),
        ggsave(filename='${chartFile}', plot=p, width=20, height=150, units='in', limitsize=F);